Spiritual Life
SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMISSION spiritually engages adult parishioners on their journey through the celebration of the liturgy and faith. Pat Witt
Altar Society is responsible for weekly cleaning of the main altar, chapel, and front and back sacristies and changing candles on the main altar and in the two chapels. Meets Friday or Saturday morning as scheduled to clean the church. Chris Brunette, 317-815-5953.
Arts and Environment Committee oversees beautification of the church for celebrations and events. John Shank, 317-556-2055.
Bereavement Support Group invites all who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This group provides the opportunity to meet in person and to lend support to each other. This gathering is one of respectful listening, presence, and prayer. Meets monthly from 6 to 7 PM in the chapel. Kate Thedwall and Kyra O’Donnell.
Bible Study reads and discusses Old and New Testament books and related topics. Jim Barbar, 317-796-9016, and Amy Barbar, 317-529-0141.
Children’s Rosary welcomes children of all ages to the chapel on the first Saturday of every month at 9 AM. Pray the Children’s Rosary and then enjoy fellowship and donuts. Kara and Tim Tappel, 317-914-7028.
FORMED is an online ministry (similar format to Netflix). St. Matthew has purchased a parish-wide subscription to FORMED, which provides access to inspiring movies, video-based studies, audio talks, and e-books from the Catholic Church’s most compelling speakers and authors. Our parish has invested in FORMED so each of us might grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and learn about and share our faith. All St. Matthew parishioners have free, unlimited access to FORMED. To register: Go to https://saintmatt.formed.org. Find St. Matthew Catholic Church. (Tip: Enter the zip code 46220.) Enter your name and email address.
Liturgical Ministers
Altar Servers assist the Celebrant at Mass, grades 4-8.
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Celebrant in distribution of the Body of Christ and Precious Blood at the Eucharist. Ann Tully, 317-257-4297, ext. 2211
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound and Assisted Living Centers take Holy Communion to people who are unable to attend Sunday Mass. Ann Tully, 317-257-4297, ext. 2211
Mass Coordinators perform traditional sacristan duties and oversee other liturgical ministers before Mass. Ann Tully, 317-257-4297, ext. 2211
Proclaimers/Lectors proclaim the Word of God (first and second readings) and lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Dave Varie
Ushers seat people, collect the offering, and coordinate the presentation of the offertory gifts for weekend Masses. Jack Godfrey, 317-257-2218.
Liturgy Committee meets periodically throughout the year to plan for the seasonal and liturgical activity at St. Matthew. Ann Tully, 317-257-4297, ext. 2211
Music Ministry offers music leadership for weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations. Our music community is a great place to serve by leading others in song, learning skills that encourage artistic beauty and creativity, and glorifying God with the music gifts He has given us. There are many ways to participate for all ages. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Debbie Ward, Director of Music, to learn about all the great options available at 317-257-4297, extension 2213. We always need vocalists and instrumentalists.
- Choir: Meets Sunday in the parish music room for rehearsal and provides music for Mass as scheduled.
- Youth: Vocal teams assist in leading music for Mass and special occasions based on availability.
- Musicians: Instrumentalists are needed for 5 p.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. weekend Masses.
- Handbells: Rehearsals and performances are scheduled based on group participation and availability.
- Contemporary Music Ensemble leads music for two Masses a month and is led by Colleen Perron.
Retreat Committees plan annual women’s and men’s retreat experiences for parishioners. Jackie Noll for Women’s Retreat, and Dan White, 317-439-5916, for Men’s Retreat.