Youth Ministry Programs

Youth Ministry empowers young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ who witness to their faith by everyday living and helping those around them to encounter the presence of Jesus Christ. The invitation and awareness of Youth Ministry is made not only to the youth of our parish but also to the adults of the parish. The vitality and the life of the Youth Ministry experience rely heavily on the support and sponsorship of the parish community. Without your support, Youth Ministry would not be able to flourish. Thank you for all your encouragement and most of all for your prayerful support. Contact the parish office for more information.

Youth Ministry experiences offered through St. Matthew include the following:

Confirmation (8th-12th grades)—One Sunday a month, September through May, 3-5:30 PM. Confirmation celebration at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral downtown.

High School Chat ‘n’ Chews (9th-12th grades)—two Thursdays a month at a local establishment, 3:30-5 PM, in combination with St. Lawrence

High School Service Saturdays (9th-12th grades)—One Saturday every month, in combination with St. Lawrence

Middle School Socials (6th-8th grades)—One Saturday every month, in combination with St. Lawrence

Young Church—One Tuesday of the month for all middle school age teens, 3-4:30 PM


Advent and Lenten Days of Reflection

Archdiocesan Events

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion


March for Life Trip to Washington, D.C.

Mission Trips

National Catholic Youth Conference

Religious Ed Helpers


Service Projects

Ski Trips

Social Gatherings